Share Scheme – Management Board
The shareholders of K. KARATHEODORI SA and their participation rates are:
1. Municipality of Komotini with a participation rate of 76.13%
2. Municipality of Arriana with a participation rate of 16.67%
3. Municipality of Maronia – Sapes with a participation rate of 6.93%
4. Municipality of Iasmos with a participation rate of 0.27%

The company is run by the General Meeting. The General Meeting of the Company’s shareholders is its supreme body and is entitled to decide on any matter concerning the Company in accordance with the law and the provisions governing it, unless it is provided differently by law or the articles of association.
The General Meeting elects the Management Board of the company which has 9 members. The Board; after its election it is formed in a body and elects from among its members, the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman. The term of the Management Board follows the term of the Municipal Authorities.
The composition of the Management Board:
Lapatas Athanasios
Vice Chairman
Papazoglou Konstantinos
Tsakiridis Efstratios
Tzenetidis Parthenios
Manitsas Theodoros
Memet Serdar
Charitopoulos Constantinos
Kareliadou Aphrodite
Lechoudis Kimon